Saturday, May 24, 2008



Traditional Indonesian Massage is normally a medium pressure massage using coconut oil and prepared with tropical flowers to give the oil a light scent. Sometimes a lighter oil is substituted in some spas. The oil is worked into the body using long sensual strokes spanning the length of the muscle to relieve tension. After the initial strokes are completed the sequence is finished with upwards strokes towards the heart. The skin is also rolled between the thumb and the forefinger to awaken nerve endings and increase blood flow. Circular thumb movements are used for the same purpose. Pressure points on the hands and feet are also massaged to relax the body.

But on this massage I use 2 methods with combination of Circular thumb movements and feet pressure with deepest healing effects by natullay harmonizing mind body and spirit.This ancient form of therapeutic massage is a scientifically redefined deeper level tissue massage combining principals and techniques from both yoga and Ayurveda. The power of this work is the series of body opening stretches that open, release and align the body. It is progressive in intensity, moving deeper and deeper in the body. It is similar to shiatsu or Thai and traditional ayurvedic stroking massage (abhynaga) but it is a completely different system of therapeutic bodywork. In this massage I use hands and feet both in a certain harmonious sequence combining variety of unique techniques, strokes, feet pressure, walking on the body (feet massaging the back, hands and legs), pulls, joint release and stretches.First basic strokes are given to warm up the body. Then it goes deeper into the tissue level. After that a variety of Yoga stretches are combined that align and open the musculoskeletal structure, giving more flexibility and strength. The body's expanded joints are opened up.This is followed by soothing, reassuring strokes, peeling back the layers of tension on the body, opening and expanding the muscles and tendons in the neck, shoulders, back, hips and pelvis, and legs.The effects are amazing. Stress trapped in the body is dissolved, releasing spasming tight muscles and skeleton to return to their natural harmonic state. This work is simply a catalyst for the body to correct itself. With the conscious touch it gives deep relaxation and rejuvenation as well as works as anti-stress and anti-depressant.Furher benefits of the massage are that it improves the lymphatic system, loosens the bodily tissues, helps in breathing, circulation, detoxification, and increasing the vitality.

7 types of Traditional Indonesian Massage:

1. Tanah Air 90 minute
all body massage included: head, face, neck, shoulders, back, hips and pelvis, and legs.

2. Warna Nusantara 60 min.
This massage is similar like Tanah air but without head and face.

3. Pijakan Bumi 30 min.
Massage only for legs, thighs and feet palm with using reflection methods it can helps for against cellulite.

4. Hamparan Pulau 40 min.
This massage for neck, shoulders and back.

5. Suara Samudera 20 min.
Massage olny for chest, abdomen and neck.

6. Garis Khatulistiwa 20 min.
This massage for neck, shoulders and hands.

7. Sentuhan Nirwana 20 min.
Massage for head, neck and face. With using Acupressure massages. This methods good for anti-aging.

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